Tuesday 4th June at 9pm BNE

Friday 7th June at 10am BNE

Women in Business - Featured Panellist | The Glen Hotel - Business Over Lunch | 7th March (Thursday) 2024

Join us at the upcoming webinar where Dr Grace will share her inspiring story, insights, and her Burnout Prevention Action Plan, alongside an international panel of guest speakers: Ernie Turner, Klemens Höppner, Dr Olga Lucia Caldas and Dr Jose Acuin.

Many healthcare workers find it more and more difficult over time to fulfil their calling to provide health with care due to burnout. Burnout among healthcare professional can have significant negative consequences:

  1. On the healthcare system as a whole: increased absenteeism, increased staff turnover and increased numbers of clinicians who are reducing their work hours, or leaving the profession. The resulting workforce shortage, in turn, increases the pressure on those remaining in the system.

  2. in the quality of care for patients: reduced patient safety, reduced patient experience, and reduced patient outcomes.

  3. in self care for clinicians: most notably, increased mental and physical health issues, increased workplace injuries, increased substance abuse and suicidal ideation.

    To enable change, we must first identify the problem and reach a correct diagnosis. The WHO definition for burnout is:

    ‘A syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

    It is characterised by three dimensions:

    1. feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;

    1. increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and

    2. reduced professional efficacy.’

    In modern best practice, we often quote the adage, ‘Prevention is better than cure.’

    Register for the Free Zoom Webinar Session that suits you best (due to this being an international event across multiple time zones, 2 session times will be available️, with the same panellists)

Tuesday 4th June at 9PM AEST



Women in Business - Featured Panellist | The Glen Hotel - Business Over Lunch | 7th March (Thursday) 2024

Friday 7th June at 10AM AEST


9PM BsAs | 8AM MNL | 10AM BNE

Women in Business - Featured Panellist | The Glen Hotel - Business Over Lunch | 7th March (Thursday) 2024

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